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Happy Birthday Freelancer...

Released on March 04, 2003 Freelancer is now 10 years...
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Shadow of Fear 8839 Preview...

The Rest of the USO Ships was added to 8839 now. In Addition to the allready exsisting USO Ships the second set of the USO now contains: USO Dreadnought Codename Marza (see the video for the Marza) USO Corvette Cobalt USO Gunboat Javelis USO very heavy Fighter ASP MKII USO heavy Fighter Constrictor USO light Fighter Viper II (Interceptor)   The video is available in...
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Freelancer 3D capable Videocard not ...

Rating: The issue is not hard to solve. Issue: Freelancer does not detect your Grafic Card Reason: Your Grafic Card is newer than the Game. Solution: Freelancer had it´s Release in 2003.You might think, well, perfect my Grafic Card is from 2012 this Game will run perfect within my High End Gaming System.But unfortunal this old Game may not recognise your Grafic Card.For this...
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USO Dreadnought Codename Marza...

The Video is also available in HD, just switch the settings. USO DREADNOUGHTCodename: MarzaWith modest beginnings as a small planetoid destruction and recovery workhorse, the Marza-class dreadnought is the pinnacle of USO military rengineering and is the most recent addition to the USO arsenal. Immediately recognizable by its spinal mounted devastating forward guns, the Marza...
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Alien Communications Hub...

The Alien Communications Hub is an unknown Technology. The USO is currently not able to get through the Shield. In this stage you can watch the Dev Version. The Video is also available in HD, to use it, just...
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Merry Christmas to everyone!...

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IMG RS13 Arrow HF...

Codename: Winghead SharkThe RS13 Arrow, designed by the Independend Miners Guild, is a very capable medium combat platform. Complimenting it’s thick armor and a high power shield core, similar to the Border World Fighter designs, it’s not quite as fast as the RS 21 Spectre LF. Still the Arrow has an edge in firepower and capacity. This Ship is a popular...
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Shadow of Fear closed Beta 2 build 8...

The Video is aviable in HD too – just switch the settings. The Shadow of Fear closed Beta now reached the Beta 2 Status. Appart from several bug changes we are proud to present the Ships of Sorin Enterprises as well as the Vanilla Tradelanes being back. 8836 got several Server sided Updates – mainly a maintenance Update with a few features just to keep you...
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IMG RS21 Spectre LF...

Directly under Development of Sorin & Partner Enterprises Ltd. the RS21 Spectre is a Light Fighter Hybrid suggested for experienced pilots only. Many pilots looking for a combination of hunting, escorting and scouting choose this ship, although it can become a dangerous treat to every Heavy Fighter because of the given firepower while the cloaking device matches...
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Docking with Playerships is not work...

Rating: The issue is handling related. Issue: Problems to dock with Player Ships Reason: You do not use the proper code. The normal F3 docking does not work for the so called FLHook Commands. Freelancer Hook is a program which is adding several new functions to the Game (“hooked to the Freelancer Game File”). To use it you simply have to type a slash in front of the...
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