Freelancer Community Network

Shadow of Fear 8842 RC4 released!

we are proud to present the next version of Shadow of Fear – 8842 RC4.RC4 was created to follow several community requests and to make the open Single Player more interesting.We changed and added nearly 1 GB of files for RC4, which was way to big for an online update, so we decided to create a complete...
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Changelog Shadow of Fear

Topic Navigation Gameplay Technical new Factions Enviroment Sound Trade Weapons Stations Ships special Equipment Planets Suns Systems History (Updates) 88’Flak Description 88’Flak Feature list   Shadow of Fear Changelog by Category Actual Version...
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The Game is showing a lower version

Rating: The issue is easy to solve. Issue: Even though the initial update was installed, your version of Shadow of Fear is lower than the actual needed one. Reason: You most likely started Shadow of Fear with the ok Button after the update was done. Unfortunal the updater is not recognizing that a new...
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