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Shadow of Fear 8842 RC4 released!

we are proud to present the next version of Shadow of Fear – 8842 RC4.RC4 was created to follow several community requests and to make the open Single Player more interesting.We changed and added nearly 1 GB of files for RC4, which was way to big for an online update, so we decided to create a complete...
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Changelog Shadow of Fear

Topic Navigation Gameplay Technical new Factions Enviroment Sound Trade Weapons Stations Ships special Equipment Planets Suns Systems History (Updates) 88’Flak Description 88’Flak Feature list   Shadow of Fear Changelog by Category Actual Version...
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Shadow of Fear wiki Release

wiki Home NavMap & Systems Bases Factions Houses Ships Weapons Equipment Commodities Vanilla Walkthrough Forum Link recent Updates This wiki is a Database of Places, Parts and Informations about the Freelancer Modification Shadow of Fear. You may use the menus at each...
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Shadow of Fear 8842 RC 3 Release published!

Shadow of Fear is released!     Download Shadow of Fear Mirror #1 Mirror #2 Installation Instructions Credits Changelog Forum Support Have as much fun playing SoF as we had while creating it! Installer size 1,6 GB unpacked size 4,1...
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Asgard Admin Ship Heavy Fighter

Asgard The Asgard Ship type is unique, nothing is known about this Ship than it is being deadly. This is an Admin Ship. It’s purpose is to keep the Freedom of the Server for everyone. We have a saying, the Admins word is final, deal with it. Stats: Ship Class: Heavy Fighter Roles:...
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Interspace Cargo Tanker – Supertransport

Cargo_Tanker The Interspace Deep Space Cargo Tanker is a long-distance freight haulage solution designed for use in conjunction with several classes of specialized cargo containers. It is similar to the Super Transport concept of other Factions. The Cargo Tanker has immense hauling power, and is...
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Coalition Light Fighter Hornet

Hornet The Coalition Military officially replaced the Hornet in favor of the Lagg, although Hornet squadrons served in Coalition colors through many of the Battles against the Alliance. Following the war, the Civilian version of the Hornet is still to purchase. Hornets are, due to their slim...
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Outcast Very Heavy Fighter Nova

Nova The Nova is a good all-rounder in the VHF ship class. Moderate speed, average weapon power and shields on the heavier side. The Nova and its Raider variant are popular choices for pilots looking for a very heavy fighter. The Outcasts Nova features an average speed, heavy shields, and good...
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GMG Very Heavy Fighter Nova

Nova The Nova is a good all-rounder in the VHF ship class. Moderate speed, average weapon power and shields on the heavier side. The Nova and its Raider variant are popular choices for pilots looking for a very heavy fighter. The GMG Nova features an average speed, heavy shields, and good...
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Outcast Heavy Fighter Discoverer

Outcast Discoverer The Discoverer is aptly named, given that it fills the scouting role in the GMG. Classed as a HF, the Discoverer has decent combat capability, but some particularly daredevil pilots have been known to challenge CapShips in these crafts. While few have survived, some have proved...
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