Freelancer Community Network

My Freelancer Fonts are displayed way too large

Rating: The issue is easy to solve. Issue: Freelancer Fonts are displayed too large in the Game Reason: You most likely just copied a Freelancer Installation to a new Harddrive or didn’t used the normal CD Installation. Solution: Simply run the Freelancer Setup (CD Install). You do not need to...
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Freelancer creates no Multiplayer ID

Rating: The issue is easy to solve. Issue: Freelancer is not creating a Multiplayer ID. Reason: You most likely started Shadow of Fear without admin rights. Because of this Freelancer is not allowed to do anything on your Computer. Solution: Start Freelancer with Admin Rights. In a few rare situations...
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I have weired InGame crashes in several Situations

Rating: The issue is client sided. Issue: InGame crashes in several Situations Reason: Computers needs their setup to run proper. Shadow of Fear is using upgraded DX9 settings, 3D sound, highly detailed Textures and several upgrades to the Freelancer engine itself. If you use an older version of Shadow...
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My Game is crashing to the Desktop after i was switching Accounts

Rating: The issue is known. Issue: Game is crashing to the Desktop after Accounts are switched Reason: The massive changings to the original Freelancer Game with 88Flak in the Background and Shadow of Fear in Front are producing things which are for the moment not to find, because we do not invest much...
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The Menu is on the left side everything is replaced

>>> Problem solved, sheduled for Update 8836 <<< Rating: The issue is easy to solve. Issue: Menu and Hud are missplaced to the left Reason: sorry, that’s a problem we are working on but already known. Because of the needed widescreen support Shadow of Fear contains, we are using...
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Unable to start Freelancer d3dx9_40.dll is missing

Rating: The issue is easy to solve. Issue: d3dx9_40.dll is missing Reason: You are using an older version of Windows (XP and lower) or a not proper updated newer version of Windows. Shadow of Fear comes with an actual and advanced rendering engine. Because of this Shadow of Fear needs the latest DirectX...
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