Freelancer Community Network

I recognize a mouse lag when NPCs are spawning

Rating: The issue is technically (code) related. Issue: Mouse lag when NPCs are spawning, PC freezes Reason: The freezing occurs when NPC Ships are not cached by your Game. Solution: One solution is getting more ram for your pc or simply “make it faster” by a faster cpu. Often it helps to...
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I have low fps in Freelancer/ My grafic card seems to be to old

Rating: The issue is technically related, easy to solve. Issue: Low Frames per Second Reason: You are most likely running Freelancer on an older or “bad” configured Machine. Often this problems occures because of using an onboard graphic chip with low graphics dedicated memory. Shadow of...
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Freelancer 3D capable Videocard not detected

Rating: The issue is not hard to solve. Issue: Freelancer does not detect your Grafic Card Reason: Your Grafic Card is newer than the Game. Solution: Freelancer had it´s Release in 2003.You might think, well, perfect my Grafic Card is from 2012 this Game will run perfect within my High End Gaming...
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