Freelancer Community Network

Personalize the Forum Style

On the top right corner of the Forum, to the right of your logged in user name you can see several tools.             Collapse or expand the Forums Sidebar The Sidebar is not yet active but will hold server informations in the...
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How do i attach a picture to a forum post?

Do not use the Quick Reply Message Box. Step 1   Step 2 – write your message into the editor – scroll down until you see new attachment – click at browse (“Durchsuchen” in german language) (1) – search for the picture on your computer which you want to...
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/coords shows the x, y and z axis coordinates of your...
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/rinfo shows the servertime and the sheduled server...
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kills, kills$

/kills <charname> shows the kills and the assigned rank the player has /kills$ <id> shows the kills and the assigned rank the <id> has. Ranks are: kills assigned Rank 0 New Player 1 Private 5 Private 1st...
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bountyhunt, bountyhuntid

/bountyhunt /bountyhunt <charname> <credits> [<minutes>] /bountyhuntid <id> <credits> [<minutes>] offers a reward of <credits> for killing <charname> within the next...
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bequip, bwep

/bequip <n> /bequip displays a list of possible build items and the needed parts to build them. <n> is the number of the item which is wanted to be build. /bwep <n> /bwep displays a list of possible build items and the needed parts to build them. <n> is the number of the item...
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bank, wbank

/bank let you put credits to the storage /wbank let you withdraw credits from the...
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store, unstore, sinfo

/store <n> <n> or /store all <n> is a number shown by /enumcargo <n> is the amount to be stored /unstore <n> <n> <n> is a number shown by /enumcargo <n> is the amount to be unstored /sinfo shows all the goods in the storage   example: 1)...
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/ping and /p shows the ping (time between request and answer from client to server) between the server and...
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