Freelancer Community Network

Installation of Shadow of Fear for Freelancer

Installation of the Freelancer Shadow of Fear Mod current Mod version: 2.0 build 8842 RC4 To play Shadow of Fear you need to install a fresh copy of Freelancer. The vanilla 1.0 installation is good to go (yes, no further patches or updates are needed) and the guaranty for the best mod perfomance. You also...
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Changelog Shadow of Fear

Topic Navigation Gameplay Technical new Factions Enviroment Sound Trade Weapons Stations Ships special Equipment Planets Suns Systems History (Updates) 88’Flak Description 88’Flak Feature list   Shadow of Fear Changelog by Category Actual Version...
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The Shadow of Fear open Beta is online

The Mods open Beta is online now. Download Shadow of Fear Installation Instructions Credits Changelog Forum Support Have as much fun playing SoF as we had while creating...
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Album Shadow of Fear

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Shadow of Fear is crashing when launching Single Player

Rating: The issue is easy to solve. Issue: You downloaded the Installer and installed SoF but the Game is crashing to the Desktop instead of starting a single player game. Reason: You may have played Freelancer before. On every first start Freelancer is creating it’s Save Game Directory, where all...
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Happy Birthday Freelancer

Released on March 04, 2003 Freelancer is now 10 years...
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Shadow of Fear 8839 Preview

The Rest of the USO Ships was added to 8839 now. In Addition to the allready exsisting USO Ships the second set of the USO now contains: USO Dreadnought Codename Marza (see the video for the Marza) USO Corvette Cobalt USO Gunboat Javelis USO very heavy Fighter ASP MKII USO heavy Fighter...
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Freelancer 3D capable Videocard not detected

Rating: The issue is not hard to solve. Issue: Freelancer does not detect your Grafic Card Reason: Your Grafic Card is newer than the Game. Solution: Freelancer had it´s Release in 2003.You might think, well, perfect my Grafic Card is from 2012 this Game will run perfect within my High End Gaming...
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USO Dreadnought Codename Marza

The Video is also available in HD, just switch the settings. USO DREADNOUGHTCodename: MarzaWith modest beginnings as a small planetoid destruction and recovery workhorse, the Marza-class dreadnought is the pinnacle of USO military rengineering and is the most recent addition to the USO arsenal....
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Alien Communications Hub

The Alien Communications Hub is an unknown Technology. The USO is currently not able to get through the Shield. In this stage you can watch the Dev Version. The Video is also available in HD, to use it, just...
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