Freelancer Community Network

Installation of Shadow of Fear for Freelancer

Installation of the Freelancer Shadow of Fear Mod current Mod version: 2.0 build 8842 RC4 To play Shadow of Fear you need to install a fresh copy of Freelancer. The vanilla 1.0 installation is good to go (yes, no further patches or updates are needed) and the guaranty for the best mod perfomance. You also...
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/coords shows the x, y and z axis coordinates of your...
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/rinfo shows the servertime and the sheduled server...
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kills, kills$

/kills <charname> shows the kills and the assigned rank the player has /kills$ <id> shows the kills and the assigned rank the <id> has. Ranks are: kills assigned Rank 0 New Player 1 Private 5 Private 1st...
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bountyhunt, bountyhuntid

/bountyhunt /bountyhunt <charname> <credits> [<minutes>] /bountyhuntid <id> <credits> [<minutes>] offers a reward of <credits> for killing <charname> within the next...
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bequip, bwep

/bequip <n> /bequip displays a list of possible build items and the needed parts to build them. <n> is the number of the item which is wanted to be build. /bwep <n> /bwep displays a list of possible build items and the needed parts to build them. <n> is the number of the item...
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bank, wbank

/bank let you put credits to the storage /wbank let you withdraw credits from the...
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store, unstore, sinfo

/store <n> <n> or /store all <n> is a number shown by /enumcargo <n> is the amount to be stored /unstore <n> <n> <n> is a number shown by /enumcargo <n> is the amount to be unstored /sinfo shows all the goods in the storage   example: 1)...
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/ping and /p shows the ping (time between request and answer from client to server) between the server and...
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/botcombat <on|off> Turns your bots (AI Companion option) hostile to youfor combat...
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