Freelancer Community Network
Posted by Daywalker on Jun 8, 2013

bequip, bwep

/bequip <n>

/bequip displays a list of possible build items and the needed parts to build them.

<n> is the number of the item which is wanted to be build.

/bwep <n>

/bwep displays a list of possible build items and the needed parts to build them.

<n> is the number of the item which is wanted to be build.


Building Upgrades is, due to their strength, not that easy.

First of all, you need the build modules which can only be looted by killing NPC’s

Unassisted Kill Token and Credit Chips will do the rest

Use /bequip and /bwep to get the build list for the icons.

[singlepic=437,64,64] Quantum-Crystalline Armor Module
[singlepic=436,64,64] Compacted Titanium Armor Module
[singlepic=439,64,64] Power Booster Module
[singlepic=440,64,64] Reactor Power Module
[singlepic=438,64,64] Power Converter Module
[singlepic=441,64,64] Scanner Module
[singlepic=443,64,64] Shield Enhancement I
[singlepic=444,64,64] Shield Enhancement II
[singlepic=442,64,64] Shield Enhancement III
[singlepic=446,64,64] Shield Regenerator Module I
[singlepic=447,64,64] Shield Regenerator Module II
[singlepic=445,64,64] Shield Regenerator Module III
[singlepic=448,64,64] Tractor Module
[singlepic=449,64,64] Weapon Tech Module I
[singlepic=450,64,64] Weapon Tech Module II
[singlepic=451,64,64] Weapon Tech Module III
[singlepic=452,64,64] Weapon Tech Module IV
[singlepic=453,64,64] Weapon Tech Module V
[singlepic=454,64,64] Credit Chip
[singlepic=455,64,64] Unassisted Kill Token
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