Freelancer Community Network
Posted by Daywalker on Dec 10, 2013

Interspace Cargo Tanker – Supertransport

Interspace Cargo Tanker - Supertransport Cargo_Tanker

The Interspace Deep Space Cargo Tanker is a long-distance freight haulage solution designed for use in conjunction with several classes of specialized cargo containers. It is similar to the Super Transport concept of other Factions.

The Cargo Tanker has immense hauling power, and is able to easily pull long chains of even the biggest cargo containers protected in it’s hull.

However, with this capacity came the need for protection from piracy. The Cargo Tanker lacked any form of offensive capability, possessing neither torpedos nor missile launchers, but is equipped with a strong defensive shielding system. Its hull is also robust, with more durability than Trains or Transports. Interspace is working on a mountable Hull upgrade solution for better protection.


Ship Class: Transport, XLarge
Roles: Trade
Weapon Mounts: 9
Armor: 450000
Cargo Space: 400
Max Batteries/Nanobots: 0/0
Shield Classes: Transport
Weapon Classes: Armored Freighter Turret

Interspace Cargo Tanker - Supertransport
Interspace Cargo Tanker - Supertransport


Additional Equipment: Mine, CM
Included Equipment: none
Strafe / Reverse Speed: 25%
Base Power Supply Capacity: 12500
Base Power Supply Regen: 400
Player-Carrier: Yes, 3 Ships Max
Can Dock w/ Player-Carriers: No


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