Freelancer Community Network

Tractor Upgrades

Tractor Upgrades are lootable – but it’s rare to get them directly. You can also loot build items, everytime you will destroy an NPC. These build items can be used, together with credit chips and unassisted kill tokens, to build the item you want while using the build command (see under FL Hook...
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My Freelancer Fonts are displayed way too large

Rating: The issue is easy to solve. Issue: Freelancer Fonts are displayed too large in the Game Reason: You most likely just copied a Freelancer Installation to a new Harddrive or didn’t used the normal CD Installation. Solution: Simply run the Freelancer Setup (CD Install). You do not need to...
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Freelancer creates no Multiplayer ID

Rating: The issue is easy to solve. Issue: Freelancer is not creating a Multiplayer ID. Reason: You most likely started Shadow of Fear without admin rights. Because of this Freelancer is not allowed to do anything on your Computer. Solution: Start Freelancer with Admin Rights. In a few rare situations...
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