Freelancer Community Network

invite, inviteall

/i$ <client-id> and /invite$ <client-id> invite player to group by client-id /inviteall [name part] and /ia [name part] Invites all players on server to join into a group with you. If [name part] is present, it only invites those who have [name part] in their...
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shieldsdown, shieldsup

/shieldsdown and /sd Makes the shields on your ship fail. /shieldsup and /su Makes the shields on your ship recharge to the levels they were at when the shields down command was used. Note that it will not make your shields go up...
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/help [command] and /? [command] If command is not specified, prints out list of commands.  If it is specified, prints out information on...
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/tag <faction> Changes your affiliation to <faction>, making it appear beside your name...
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dp (death penalty)

/dp [on|off] Shows information about the death penalty.  Also sets whether a notice about how much the death penalty costs is shown upon launch. The death penalty is charged when being destroyed. As better your ship as higher the death penalty is. Death penalties are also partly given to the winner of a...
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/dock and /d Docks your ship at a valid player ship, allowing you to repair and buy equipment as with a normal...
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The Shadow of Fear open Beta is online

The Mods open Beta is online now. Download Shadow of Fear Installation Instructions Credits Changelog Forum Support Have as much fun playing SoF as we had while creating...
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Album Shadow of Fear

[album id=1...
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The Game is showing a lower version

Rating: The issue is easy to solve. Issue: Even though the initial update was installed, your version of Shadow of Fear is lower than the actual needed one. Reason: You most likely started Shadow of Fear with the ok Button after the update was done. Unfortunal the updater is not recognizing that a new...
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Shadow of Fear is crashing when launching Single Player

Rating: The issue is easy to solve. Issue: You downloaded the Installer and installed SoF but the Game is crashing to the Desktop instead of starting a single player game. Reason: You may have played Freelancer before. On every first start Freelancer is creating it’s Save Game Directory, where all...
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