Freelancer Community Network
Posted by Daywalker on Jul 24, 2013

Reasons for the Server to kick your character

Playing Shadow of Fear should be fun for everyone.

Because of this the Server is kicking players with for example:

A High Ping

(ping = short for Packet InterNet Groper)


This measurement tells how long it takes a “packet” of data to travel from your computer to a server on the Internet and back. Whenever you experience delayed responses in Internet applications – this would be due to a higher than desired ping. Similar to packet loss, lower is better when it comes to ping.

A result below 100 ms should be expected from any decent broadband connection.

Are you responsible for a high ping – yes and no. Ping is subjected to hops (how many stations have to be taken before the clients packets approaching the server) if you are far away from the server the packets physically needs more time to approach the server and can be reponded. But their are certain situations where the ping is also influenced by the clients configuration, such as using other programs needed a connection while playing.

What can cause a high ping? Non stable internet connections, shared connections, bad wlan connections, bad router configurations, bad network configurations and of course everything which is causing network traffic from your computer to another one often caused by malware and viruses.

What can i do against loss? Check your computers outgoing network traffic, do not use torrents, scan for malware and viruses on a regular base, contact your ISP – if you are sure that it is not your computer causing the problems, change your ISP.
In short: A high ping makes your own gaming experience lesser because everything needs more time to be done.

A High loss

Packet Loss

Much as it sounds, if you have anything less than complete success in transmitting and receiving “packets” of data then you are experiencing this problem with your Internet connection. It can mean much slower download and upload speeds, poor quality VoIP audio, pauses with streaming media and what seems like time warping in games — your connection may even come to a total standstill! Packet loss is a metric where anything greater than 0% should cause concern.

The loss indicator should be always zero – and can be expected by every player. Why? Because the server/client connection is working more intensive on that client than on others and needs more ressources to for example replace the ship in space (called jumping/warping).

Are you responsible for loss – sorry to say that but yes mostly you are and sometimes it is your ISP.

What can cause loss? Non stable internet connections, shared connections, bad wlan connections (very often), bad router configurations, bad network configurations and of course everything which is causing network traffic from your computer to another one often caused by malware and viruses.

What can i do against loss? Check your computers outgoing network traffic, do not use torrents, scan for malware and viruses on a regular base, contact your ISP – if you are sure that it is not your computer causing the problems, change your ISP.

In short when a package with informations is lost between the client and the server it’s always bad, beacuse informations are missing.


In which Situations is the server kicking my character?

  • running torrents and download programs in the background
  • running known cheat processes in the background
  • a changed freelancer core file (around 800 are checked)
  • an ultra high ping
  • unacceptable loss


How is my Character kicked and how does it look like?

  • while lifting off a station – changed file
  • imprisoned – beamed to a station and not being able to lift off – changed file
  • after a few seconds – running unwanted processes
  • after a while – high ping, unaccatable loss


Some more words to it: your are not guilty in running processes on your computer which are unwanted (because it’s your computer) by the servers configuration – they just interrupt other players gaming experience. If you want to play on the official Shadow of Fear Server you need to stop these processes before connecting to the MP Server.

It’s often not your fault when files are not the same ones as the ones we provide – sometimes you just didn’t allow the installer to overwrite the files in the Freelancer directory by not granting admin rights while installing.

A high ping can be caused by your personal configuration or the distance from where in the world you are going to connect to the server.

You are probably not a computer profi if your connection is causing loss – just try to reconfigure your machine in using the internet FAQ’s, a friend who is more familar with the needed informations or our Help section in the Forum.

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