Freelancer Community Network
Posted by Daywalker on Jun 8, 2013

mark, unmark, groupmark, groupunmark, ignoregroupmarks, automark

/mark and /m
Makes the selected object appear in the important section of the contacts and
have an arrow on the side of the screen, as well as have > and < on the sides
of the selection box.

/unmark and /um
Unmarks the selected object marked with the /mark (/m) command.

/groupmark and /gm
Marks selected object for the entire group.

/groupunmark and /gum
Unmarks the selected object for the entire group.

/ignoregroupmarks <on|off>
Ignores marks from others in your group.

/automark <on|off> [radius in KM]
Automatically marks all ships in KM radius.  Bots are marked automatically in the
range specified whether on or off.  If you want to completely disable automarking,
set the radius to a number <= 0.

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